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Save 9% and Gain 9% Program

Burkman Consulting is bundling their two most popular programs this year - MIPS & MACRA (to keep your 9% away from the government) and a CPT Analysis (to help you gain 9% more income this year).


Pricing is $995.00 for the first physician and $350.00 for each additional physician.
If you have 5 or more physicians please call for a group rate. 

It is time to start MIPS and MACRA 2024!

Burkman Consulting will make it as simple and easy as possible with our 123 approach.


1.  Meet with us before the end of the year to complete exemption forms

2.  Meet with us for 15 min in February of 2025 for attestation

3.  Schedule a meeting with me for 2025 quality measures


Our firm takes care of the rest.


Pricing is $795.00 for the first physician and $250.00 for each additional physician.
If you have 5 or more physicians please call for a group rate. 

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