What is the Wound Care Center of Excellence?
A complete learning program designed to certify your practice in the treatment of wounds. This program will train you in Chronic ulcer and pressure ulcer care, open wound treatment, surgical wound dehiscence, treatment of infections, ulcer debridement, diagnosis and treatment plans, durable medical equipment utilizing high-quality wound care supplies.
There is Money in Wound Care
This program will teach you how to market your Wound Care Center of Excellence. You will learn how to bill debridements, vascular testing, biopsies, wound care supplies, grafts, offloading, infusions and DME. You and your staff will be a nationally accredited Wound Care Center of Excellence Certified Office. You will no longer be compelled to direct YOUR patients to a hospital or wound care center. You will have the ability to fully treat and manage wound care patients with ease. By developing proven protocols towards, not only wound care, but to the inner workings of your entire practice, you can greatly improve your current revenue stream.
To register for the Wound Care Center of Excellence, click the button below.
Wound Care Office Accreditation
Wound care training program for physicians and staff that will allow you to accredit your practice as a wound care center of excellence.
Choose this option to train individual employees.